
Novar FLIP: What is your proudest moment from 2017?

Au/Ra: Probably being part of Vevo dscvr 2018, which I’m super excited about and super grateful to have been a part of. They pick twenty artist from all across the globe, call them their artists to watch for in 2018, promote them and help them in any way that they can.

Novar FLIP: What are you most excited about for this year?

Au/Ra: I am most excited about performing more, hopefully growing a fan base and those two go hand-in-hand. I think that would be amazing. Also, releasing more music, making more music videos and developing my creative.

Novar FLIP: Imagine we’ve never heard your music before, what song would you play first?

Au/Ra: I’d probably play you a song that isn’t released yet. I think I would probably play ‘Kicks’. I feel like ‘Concrete Jungle’ is softer than ‘Kicks’, but Kicks is softer than ‘Outsiders’. ‘Outsiders’ is kind of like the extreme, and then ‘Concrete Jungle’ feels a lot softer compared to it, as a song. I’d probably choose the medium, which would be ‘Kicks’.

Novar FLIP: Where would you most like to perform this year?

Au/Ra: I personally would love to perform in Japan. Even if it’s in a small, fifty people venue. I would love to just go to Japan. I love Japanese culture and that part of the world. I’m really into anime as well and I have a huge respect for the illustrators that come out of Japan. That whole art style that they have there in general. I think just going there would be cool.

Novar FLIP: Who would you most like to collaborate with this year?

Au/Ra: I really don’t know who would want to collaborate with me. I personally would love to collaborate with Nash. I think that would be really cool, and that might happen. I love The Neighbourhood, but they’re up here, and I’m on the floor, underground. So I don’t think that would happen anytime soon, but hey, I’m up for it [Laughs].

Novar FLIP: What is your favourite part of the artistic process?

Au/Ra: Probably writing the lyrics. I’m a big lyric person. I love getting really deep into the lyrics and looking at them as if they are a story. It is a song, but really you’re telling a story through it. I’m really into creative writing, too. I started creative writing before songwriting, so I like fusing those two together.

Novar FLIP: Can you give me 3 words that describe you?

Au/Ra: Awkward, weird, quirky.

Novar FLIP: They’re all in one area but that’s fine [Laughs].

Au/Ra: They’re all in one area, but I don’t know what else to say [Laughs].

Novar FLIP: Lastly, how do you hope to be celebrating New Year’s Eve at the end of 2018?

Au/Ra: I would love to be celebrating with a small headlining tour, or an opening act tour. I would hope for headlining, but [I’ll take] one of the two.

Novar FLIP: How about releases? Probably by then, I would have already released a mini-album or another EP [Laughs], or something along those lines. It all depends on what happens in the next few months, which is pretty exciting.

Pause Magazine 2018